Your Best Defense is With a Reputable Criminal Defense Attorney

Your lawyer’s reputation, be it strong or weak, will impact what options are available to you and your odds of achieving a favorable outcome.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

Is your lawyer respected by judges and prosecutors?

The only thing that precedes a lawyer into the courtroom is their reputation. Judges and prosecutors exercise a considerable amount of discretion, and a lawyer’s ability to be persuasive is critical. A reputation for being a strong and ethical advocate is often the single thing that leads to an extraordinary outcome. A reputable criminal defense attorney will have a reputation for being ethical, zealous, and a person of their word. If a lawyer has questionable character or a weak reputation, there is little hope they will provide top-notch representation or exceptional results.

A Reputable Criminal Defense Lawyer Has Renowned Integrity and Character

Judges look to lawyers for guidance, the law, and an understanding of the facts. A lawyer known for his or her character and integrity will rule the day.”— Loren Dickstein.

Judges have difficult jobs, and in criminal cases, their rulings and orders profoundly impact the lives of defendants, victims, and their families. While there are bad and careless judges, most are thoughtful and attempt to make rulings consistent with the law and based on the facts of a case. How does a judge decide if he believes the defense lawyer or the prosecutor regarding the law or the facts of the case? This question is important because resolving these disputes frequently hinges on a judge’s understanding of the facts and legal issues. A reputable criminal defense attorney with known credibility can most persuasively argue a case and have the best chance of winning.

How Criminal Charges Get Dismissed

Few lawyers routinely achieve outright dismissals for clients in felony and misdemeanor cases; however, the best chance of dismissal is with a reputable, respected lawyer with a track record of success.

Why do some lawyers consistently achieve extraordinary results? The answer is found in a lawyer’s reputation. Prosecutors and defense lawyers spend significant time and energy in bargaining and negotiating potential resolutions to cases. The vast majority of criminal charges are resolved with plea bargains or dismissals instead of jury trials. In any negotiation, an advocate’s persuasiveness depends on their credibility. For example, lawyers who routinely manipulate clients into entering pleas or are notorious for making exaggerated or false statements have low credibility. On the other hand, attorneys known for fighting cases and truthfully representing the strength of defense evidence make powerful and effective advocates. The best hope of getting charges dismissed is when a prosecutor believes they cannot win a case or learns of a defendant’s likely innocence.

Why is having a reputable attorney for criminal defense best for the client?

In addition to being the most likely to achieve a favorable outcome, the client is best served by an honorable and fair attorney. Let’s face it, when someone is charged with a crime, they are vulnerable and in need of help. This is a prime opportunity for a disreputable lawyer to take advantage. A set of ethical rules governs the conduct of lawyers in Michigan. The rules are called the Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct. These rules prohibit certain improper conduct, including charging exorbitant legal fees or making promises and guarantees. If a lawyer makes a promise or guarantee regarding getting charges dismissed or avoiding jail time, these assertions are strictly unethical and, in fact, fraudulent. The truth is that no lawyer can truthfully guarantee any particular outcome. While lawyers may be confident in their abilities, they should be truthful and realistic with a potential client regarding their case and the possible results.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Lawyers with a Reputation for being Reputable and Effective

The Defense Team with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. has spent decades cultivating highly respected standing throughout Michigan with prosecutors, judges, and fellow criminal defense lawyers. We believe our reputation as fearless, tireless, and zealous advocates has been integral to our unparalleled success. If you call us for a free consultation, we will take the time to talk with you, answer your questions, and address each of your concerns. Together, we will find a way to build a winning strategy.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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