Prostitution and Solicitation Defense Attorney

Prostitution and Solicitation Defense Attorney

Prostitution or solicitation convictions can carry a lifetime of consequences. In addition to any penalties you may receive, a sex crime criminal conviction could ruin your reputation.

Prostitution and Solicitation Defense Attorney

A qualified and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney can protect you.

Accusations of prostitution or solicitation can happen for any number of reasons. There could have been a miscommunication, misinterpretation, an impulsive act, or just a regrettable mistake. Whenever there are accusations of committing prostitution or solicitation, an aggressive criminal defense attorney may be able to help you avoid a conviction and keep you out of jail. Accusations are common in Detroit, Lansing, Warren, and many other locations around Michigan.

What is prostitution, and what is solicitation?

Prostitution is the act of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for anything of value. In Michigan, prostitution would also include offering or consenting to sexual conduct for payment. Solicitation occurs when someone offers to pay or give something of value to another person for sexual services. A charge for prostitution or solicitation can be initiated by word or gesture. It does not matter whether the incident of solicitation or prostitution occurred in public or private.

The sexual act need not occur for someone to be charged with the criminal offenses of prostitution or solicitation. All that needs to happen is the attempt to engage another person to perform sexual services from another.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

Prostitution and Solicitation Penalties

Prostitution and solicitation are considered sex crimes, and any conviction related to this criminal offense can have overwhelming consequences. According to Michigan law, prostitution and solicitation punishments are as follows:

  • First Offense – Misdemeanor- a possibility of 93 days of imprisonment and 2 years on probation
  • Second Offense – Misdemeanor – a possibility of one year of imprisonment and up to two years on probation
  • Third Offense – Felony – a possibility of two years of imprisonment, up to 5 years on probation, and up to a $2,000 fine

Unfortunately, the collateral consequences of a prostitution or solicitation conviction can be worse than jail and probation. Having such a conviction on your record can make obtaining a job, advancing in your career, or obtaining or maintaining a professional license very difficult. These convictions are routinely used against someone in divorce and custody proceedings. For aliens, Green Card holders, and other non-U.S. citizens, a prostitution or solicitation conviction can result in deportation and other immigration-related consequences.

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Solicitation of Sex from a Minor in Exchange for Something of Value

Anyone that engages or offers to engage the services of another person, who is less than 18 years of age and who is not his or her spouse, for prostitution, lewdness, or assignation, by the payment of money or another form of consideration, is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine of not more than $10,000. Typically, this charge would be used when the victim is a teenager between 16 and 18 years of age.

What can a criminal defense attorney do to protect me?

All too often, people accused of sex crimes such as prostitution or solicitation will be treated harsher than someone charged with a non-sex crime. Prosecutors will undoubtedly work harder to convict you and advocate for you to receive a harsher penalty because prostitution is considered a sex crime. It is critical that if you have been accused or believe you will be accused of prostitution or solicitation, do not speak to anyone until you have a lawyer to protect you.

You have rights afforded to you under the law. The best person to ensure that your rights are safeguarded is a defense attorney with vast experience defending clients charged with prostitution and solicitation in Detroit and elsewhere in the tri-county area of Michigan.

Police officers frequently play fast and loose with the law and a suspect’s rights in prostitution and solicitation cases. They rely on the fact that most defendants get court-appointed lawyers who railroad their clients through the system without challenging the evidence or constitutional violations. The defense attorneys from LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. know how to contest these allegations, confront police officers, counter the prosecutor, get evidence thrown out, and offer a persuasive argument to the judge for a dismissal.

A prostitution or solicitation charge doesn’t have to damage your reputation and relationships.

Most individuals accused of prostitution or solicitation are good, moral people without prior records. If people find out that someone is accused of prostitution or solicitation, it is embarrassing. Personal, family and professional relationships can suffer damage just from the accusation that this offense occurred. Hiring a top defense law firm like LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. sends a clear message that you are taking your defense seriously. With our help, it may not be necessary for anyone ever to find out you were accused. Our experienced lawyers can deploy any number of their specialized strategies that have proven effective over the years to shield clients from the embarrassment of a charge, and, in many cases, we can prevent a conviction.

Judgment Free Zone

Clients of LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., are treated with respect and dignity. You will never be judged. You can expect your calls and emails to be returned promptly. We will patiently listen to your story, answer all of your questions, and find a way to help you. We will be on your side and have your back.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

The Best Prostitution and Solicitation Defense Attorney for Detroit, Lansing, Warren, and other cities throughout Michigan

LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. has a team of experienced lawyers that can protect you, minimize any potential consequences, and get you the best possible outcome. We have decades of experience defending prostitution and solicitation charges in the Detroit area, in Oakland, Wayne, and Macomb Counties, and cities throughout Michigan. We offer zealous and effective representation at a fair price.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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