Michigan’s Elite OWI Defense Attorneys

Michigan’s Premier Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) Defense Firm

Operating While Intoxicated (OWI), also known as Drunk Driving (DUI), is a serious offense that can result in severe consequences without the intervention of experienced defense counsel.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

An experienced criminal defense attorney can protect and defend you.

Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) is the only crime where most evidence against you is based on a police officer’s subjective opinion. Police officers are not out to uncover the truth; they are on a mission to make arrests, build cases, and help prosecutors secure convictions. If an OWI defense attorney is not on a similar mission to ensure their client’s rights are protected and every defense is explored, the client is in real trouble. In the typical drunk driving case, the arresting officer may allege that the motorist exhibited signs of intoxication, such as:

  • the odor of an alcoholic beverage,
  • watery and bloodshot eyes,
  • speech that is slurred,
  • difficulty with memory,
  • trouble understanding, and
  • a hard time balancing.

These observations are subjective, meaning they are based on the officer’s opinion. When a person is looking for something, such as evidence of a crime, they will look at evidence of innocence with a bias that results in unjustified and unfair accusations. Anyone charged with a crime, including OWI, is presumed to be innocent and must be found not guilty unless the prosecution proves the allegations beyond a reasonable doubt. An experienced OWI Defense Attorney is your best hope of avoiding the harsh penalties associated with an alcohol or drug-related driving conviction.

OWI Penalties are Severe in Michigan

The Michigan legislature has given prosecutors and courts every advantage to secure convictions and increase the severity of the penalties in drunk and drugged driving cases. People familiar with the system, including OWI defense attorneys, know the legislature has rigged it to make it easier for police and prosecutors to get OWI convictions. Political advocacy groups, such as M.A.D.D. (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) never stop lobbying for more stringent laws.

In Michigan, OWI is one of the most common criminal charges. Due to political pressure and strict judges, you face a possible jail sentence on a first offense. Probation on a drunk driving case will likely include:

  • substantial fines and costs,
  • lengthy periods of community service,
  • months or years of reporting probation,
  • revocation, suspension, or restriction of your driver’s license, and
  • costly and time-consuming alcohol or drug therapy, and more.

People with an OWI conviction on their record may have trouble obtaining or keeping a professional license (lawyers, doctors, nurses, etc.), obtaining or advancing in employment, or maintaining a security clearance.

If the Michigan Department of State revokes your driver’s license, you will not be able to drive again until the Driver’s Appeal and Assessment Division (DAAD) reinstates your driving privileges. An alcohol-related conviction may interfere with international travel and prevent you from going to Canada.

An Experience OWI Defense Attorney is Your Best Hope

It is essential that you have a lawyer experienced with OWI defense and familiar with all of the potential factual, legal, medical, scientific, and constitutional defenses available. An OWI defense attorney must know how to effectively attack breath tests, blood tests, and the pseudo-science of standardized field sobriety tests. The nuances and complexity of defending OWI cases make drunk driving defense one of the most challenging criminal defense fields.

The lawyers with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C.have the experience, skill, and tenacity to provide the best possible defense. Our lawyers practice criminal defense exclusively, as opposed to the jack-of-all-trade lawyers who have no expertise. You do not want to trust your fate to the attorney who is the lowest bidder. You “get what you pay for” when hiring a lawyer or professional.

Innocent people get caught charged as a result of overzealous police actions. Many officers feel taking shortcuts with a person’s civil rights is justified in an OWI investigation. The defense lawyers at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. are committed to leveling the playing field. We will do whatever is necessary to give you the most significant advantage possible in court.

OWI Lawyers Who Can Achieve Extraordinary Plea Bargains

Few OWI cases result in a bench or jury trial. A favorable plea bargain can be negotiated with a city or a state prosecutor in most cases. The Defense Team at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. has the influence, tact, experience, and professionalism required to negotiate and secure the best plea bargains. Obtaining a dismissal of all charges is our goal; however, there are cases where a plea bargain to a reduced charge or reduced sentence is in the client’s best interest. If an OWI defense attorney aggressively and intelligently defends OWI charges, there is the possibility of a plea to reckless driving, careless driving, or another type of civil infraction.

A lawyer achieves an extraordinary resolution in a case by being a credible threat in court. Our lawyers are exceptionally well known throughout Michigan to be among the top OWI trial lawyers. Prosecutors and judges know that if they do not treat our clients fairly, we will fight the charges and protect our clients’ rights.

Beating OWI Charges at Trial

If a plea agreement is impossible, you must have a lawyer who has taken OWI cases to trial and won. The OWI defense attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. have vast experience taking criminal charges to trial and a track record for winning. One advantage of hiring our Defense Team is that you get a team of experienced lawyers, paralegals, experts, and investigators who will collaborate to build the most vigorous possible defense. We take time to role play hearings and trials to be assured of having the most effective strategies and techniques.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Experienced, Effective, and Affordable OWI Defense

Many people arrested for OWI feel that everyone assumes they are guilty or should go to jail. The attorneys and staff at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. never judge our clients and treat them with dignity and respect. Our only goal is to help you in the best way possible. You should call for a free consultation with an experienced OWI defense attorney. We will help you understand any possible defenses before you make an ill-advised decision to plead guilty or no contest.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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