Michigan Internet Crimes Defense Attorney

Michigan Internet Crimes Defense Attorney

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

Michigan Internet Crimes Defense

Internet and computer-related laws have been passed on a federal and state level at an incredible pace. Unfortunately, in a rush to prosecute these offenses, law enforcement has been overzealous in prosecuting felony and misdemeanor offenses. The tools and techniques for investigating these crimes are incredibly complex and technical. Because most criminal defense lawyers do not have vast experience in analyzing this type of evidence, it is easy for mistakes made by police to fall through the cracks or, in some cases, manipulated evidence to escape challenge. Through zealous investigation by defense counsel and, in some cases, consultation with experts, a defense can succeed in these cases. A successful defense can result in the reduction or dismissal of charges, a reduction in a jail or prison sentence, or an acquittal at trial. The result of a case, including jail or freedom, will often depend on an experienced, dedicated, and zealous internet crimes defense attorney.

The team of defense lawyers with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. has successfully defended clients in courts throughout Michigan and federal court. We pride ourselves on being at the cutting edge of computer and internet crimes defense. Whether a client is innocent of charges or bears some culpability, we will do whatever is necessary to achieve the best possible result. Of course, obtaining a dismissal of all charges is always our top priority when possible.

Computer Crimes and Their Consequences

Laws criminalizing computer and internet activity are passed with regularity in state and federal court. The cooperation of federal and state law enforcement on computer crimes is unprecedented.

The most frequently prosecuted computer and internet crimes are:

Internet and Computer Crimes in Michigan

Computer and Internet Crimes in Federal Court

Accusations of Computer and Internet Crimes

All criminal charges start with allegations. If you suspect that you are under investigation or accused of computer crimes, you need to establish a defense and take mitigating measures right away. It is never too early to consult with a defense attorney who can take all possible measures to help prevent or reduce charges impending charges. The internet crimes defense attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. have decades of experience handling cases on a pre-charge basis. We are familiar with the most effective measures to avoid criminal charges by a state prosecutor or the United States Attorney’s Office. Although law enforcement may disagree, evidence in these cases may have been downloaded or uploaded in error or inadvertently. Unintentional or accidental possession is common in child pornography cases. Rarely are these cases as clear as a prosecutor may allege.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Defending Internet and Computer Crimes

The defense of computer crimes is technologically sophisticated. Technological innovations have allowed law enforcement to investigate and prosecute computer charges more thoroughly. Defense lawyers on the cutting edge of cybercrimes have access to top computer forensic experts. Our experts can identify flaws in law enforcement investigations and build defenses to keep clients out of jail or prison. Evidence found on a computer that the defendant was using may have resulted from an inadvertent or accidental download, someone who hacked the system, a virus, trojan horse, or other malware. In short, identifying the computer user responsible for particular data or internet activity is highly complex and usually circumstantial. The internet crimes defense attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. can use that uncertainty and lack of direct evidence to your advantage.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

Contact Us - Michigan Criminal Defense Attorneys