Michigan Drunk Driving Lawyer

Michigan Drunk Driving Lawyer

The most experienced and skilled criminal defense lawyers consistently get better results than bargain lawyers, multi-practice lawyers, and general practice attorneys.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

Your future and liberty are too important to take chances.

If you have been busted for driving under the influence while in Oakland County, Wayne County, or Macomb County, you need a top Michigan drunk driving lawyer immediately. Alcohol or drug-related driving charges are serious, and a conviction will have serious consequences. In addition to the possibility of jail and years of probation, an OWI or DUI conviction can impact your employability, your professional license, custody of your children, your immigration status, and more. These offenses can never be expunged and will be on your record for the rest of your life. When there is no room for errors and the stakes are high, you need a highly experienced and successful drunk driving attorney to protect and defend you.

Fight Every Case – Never Plead Guilty to OWI Without a Fight

You might think you do not need a Michigan drunk driving lawyer because you plan on just pleading guilty. You could not be more wrong o plead guilty without a fight. A good lawyer will help you in a lot of ways. First, they can look through everything that happened from a procedure perspective. If the police officer who arrested you did something wrong, you might be able to get out of the charge. Even if the evidence against you is overwhelming and there is no legal defense, a good, savvy lawyer might be able to negotiate a lower charge or more lenient sentence than would usually be available. There are no second chances, and if a conviction or harsh sentence would cause problems in your life, you should hire a lawyer who will do whatever it takes to get you the best possible result.

Defenses to OWI Charges in Michigan

Although many lawyers handle OWI cases, few Michigan drunk driving lawyers have the skill and experience to advance the most sophisticated defenses and effective strategies credibly. The defense to an OWI or DUI case can be factual, legal, constitutional, medical, or scientific. When hiring a lawyer, remember that you do not want to be looking back at your case in hindsight and thinking you should have hired a better lawyer. There are no second bites at the apple in OWI defense.

Michigan Drunk Driving Lawyer – Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a DUI lawyer cost in Michigan?

Attorney fees for a typical first offense misdemeanor OWI / OUIL / UBAL / DUI start at around $1,000.00 and range up to $25,000.00 or more. The typical DUI legal fees in Michigan range from $5,000 to $7,500.00. An attorney’s fee should be reasonable and affordable, yet commensurate with their level of experience and track record of results.

Do I need a lawyer for DUI in Michigan?

If you’ve been charged with driving while intoxicated (or OWI), you should speak with an expert criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. In addition to the possibility of jail and probation, there are significant indirect consequences of a DUI conviction, such as loss of driving privileges, academic sanctions, loss of professional privileges or licensing, damaged reputation, immigration consequences, and child custody issues.

Should I get a lawyer for my first DUI in Michigan?

Although the consequences of receiving a DUI for the first time are often less severe than for a repeat offense, a first-time conviction can still result in jail in many courts. A single conviction can trigger immigration consequences, like deportation or inadmissibility, removal from professional schools (like nursing or law school), suspension of a professional license, and more. If you face first-offense OWI charges, it is vital that you work with a qualified, experienced defense attorney.

Can you fight a DUI in Michigan?

A savvy OWI defense lawyer can use inaccurate BAC breath or blood tests, police errors, constitutional violations, medical conditions, and arrest-specific OWI defenses to defend a pending accusation. An aggressive, credible defense is the best approach for seeking the dismissal of charges or an extraordinary plea bargain.

How much is a first-offense DUI in Michigan?

The fines, costs, and fees ordered by the court in a first-offense DUI range from $800 to $2,000.00, depending on the judge.

Will I go to jail for my first DUI in Michigan?

In Michigan, first-offense DUI or OWI is classified as a misdemeanor and punishable by up to 93 days in jail. However, there is no mandatory minimum jail sentence for a first DUI or OWI. Although most judges do not routinely impose jail, others are known for ordering incarceration in first offender cases. Factors judges consider include:

  • compliance with bond,
  • prior convictions (other than for OWI or DUI),
  • alcohol or drug history,
  • employment,
  • family history and responsibilities,
  • education,
  • proactive rehabilitation measures, etc.

Can DUI be expunged in Michigan?

Under certain circumstances, first-time operating while intoxicated convictions can now be set aside (expunged) as of February 19th, 2022. A first-time operating while intoxicated conviction requires a 5-year waiting period before it can be wiped from your record.

How long is probation for DUI in Michigan?

A judge can order a person convicted of DUI first offense to serve up to two (2) years of probation. Probation terms of one (1) year are common.

What happens with a first-time DUI in Michigan?

A first-offense DUI can result in up to 93 days in jail, 2 years probation, $500 in fines, approximately $1,000 in costs and fees, a suspension or restriction of your Michigan driver’s license, and in some cases, the installation of an ignition interlock device in your car.

Do you lose your license for a first DUI in Michigan?

A first-offense OWI (driving while intoxicated), after plea negotiations, usually carries driver’s license restrictions, as well as the possibility of jail time or community service. Without a reduction in the charge, the Michigan Department of State will order a suspension of driving privileges.

What happens if I plead not guilty to drink driving?

If you enter a not guilty plea, your case will be scheduled for trial, and you will have to return to court at a later date. The delay allows both sides to prepare their arguments and the evidence they will present at a bench or jury trial, such as expert witnesses, to testify in court.

What is the best defense for DUI?

The five most common defenses to OWI charges are:

  1. Illegal Search and Seizure / Illegal Stop of the Vehicle,
  2. Non-Compliance with Administrative Rules,
  3. Breath or Blood Alcohol Content Inaccuracies,
  4. Lack of Evidence of “Operation” of the Vehicle, and
  5. Insufficient Corroborative Evidence of Intoxication or Impairment

How long do the police have to charge you with a DUI in Michigan?

The statute of limitations for OWI and DUI is six (6) years; however, you have due process rights and a right to a speedy trial that can force the government to bring charges much sooner.

How long does a DUI stay on your record?

A Michigan DUI stays on your record indefinitely unless you get the conviction expunged.

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What is the difference between OWI and DUI in Michigan?

There is no difference in Michigan between an OWI and a DUI. Technically, there is no Michigan offense called “DUI” or “Driving Under the Influence.” The Michigan acronym or charge is OWI or Operating While Intoxicated. Judges, prosecutors, attorneys, and private citizens frequently use the terms interchangeably.

How many points is a DUI in Michigan?

An OWI carries six (6) points. A lesser charge of OWVI, or Operating While Visibly Impaired, results in four (4) points.

What is a first offense super drunk in Michigan?

In 2010, Michigan changed its drunk driving statutes under MCL 257.625(1)(c) to create a “Super Drunk” law, which increases penalties for anyone convicted of driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of.17 or higher.

How much is the bond for OWI in Michigan?

There is not a predetermined bond for OWI cases in Michigan. The judge or magistrate will consider several factors before determining the amount of bond at arraignment. In most first offense cases, the bond ranges from a personal bond up to $500.00.

Is a first offense of drunk driving a misdemeanor in Michigan?

A first-offense OWI is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 93 days in jail. The charge can be more serious if there is a severe injury or death or a high BAC.

Can you get off OWI probation early in Michigan?

It is possible to file a motion for early discharge from OWI probation. It is best to have experienced legal counsel make the request for early termination of probation because judges are frequently hesitant to grant relief in these cases.

What is lower than an OWI in Michigan?

OWVI is a lesser offense than OWI. OWVI, or Operating While Visibly Impaired, carries the same maximum jail and probation sentence; however, the license restrictions, fines, and points are less severe.

What happens if you refuse a breathalyzer in Michigan?

If you refuse a police officer’s request for a breathalyzer or blood test, you will lose your driver’s license for one year, called an Implied Consent Suspension. If your license is suspended under Michigan’s Implied Consent Law, you can appeal to a Circuit Court for a hardship license.

Can you refuse to do field sobriety tests in Michigan?

To assess if a driver is intoxicated, police officers in Michigan frequently use one or more field sobriety tests. Field sobriety tests are completely optional. You are not required to do any of these field sobriety tests.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Michigan Drunk Driving Lawyers That Fight to Win

The bottom line is that whether you were driving around Michigan or live in Oakland County, Wayne County, or Macomb county, you will not find a better Michigan drunk driving lawyer than the highly experienced, skilled defense lawyers at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. We will do everything we can to help you win your case and get you past this problem.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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