Know Your Rights

Know Your Rights

Knowing your rights can help you make better decisions – Your attorney should explain everything in a way you understand.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

Civil Rights are the Cornerstone of American Criminal Justice

Since its inception, the United States of America has been unique in its concern for fairness and justice in the legal process. Every citizen and resident of the U.S. is guaranteed certain rights under the Constitution. Even those accused, charged, or convicted of a criminal offense still retain legal rights and deserves the protection of a top constitutional rights lawyer. If these rights are violated at any point in the proceedings, from the arrest to the trial, the outcome of a criminal case can and usually will change in favor of the defendant. The media and the public have become consumed with ‘victim’s rights.’ We focus on your rights!

Hiring an attorney is never within someone’s planned budget; however, getting quality representation is a necessary investment in your future, reputation, and freedom. A good, affordable criminal defense attorney can make all the difference if you face felony or misdemeanor allegations or charges in court.

Important Rights Protected by Constitutional Rights Lawyers

Individuals who have been accused or charged with a crime have various legal rights. Five constitutional rights are fundamental, and you should always invoke them. They include:

Defendant’s Right to an Attorney

Every defendant has the right to obtain legal counsel. If an individual cannot afford an attorney, the court must appoint one at no cost. A person being investigated for a criminal offense should always invoke their right to speak to an attorney before answering any questions. A defendant can also choose to represent themselves in court; however, this is NOT recommended. Facing a judge without an experienced constitutional rights lawyer is a recipe for disaster.

Defendant’s Right to a Jury Trial

All individuals charged with crimes have the right to a fair, public, and speedy trial. Furthermore, they are presumed innocent unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by 12 impartial jurors (felony) or 6 impartial jurors (misdemeanor). You would never want to face a jury without the assistance of an intelligent, zealous, and fearless constitutional rights lawyer.

Defendant’s Right to Confront Witnesses

An individual has the right to question and cross-examine every witness that testifies against them in a trial.

Defendant’s Right to Produce Evidence

A defendant may present their evidence and witnesses to the court.

Right to Remain Silent

You have the right to remain silent—the right to remain silent means that you do not have to talk to the police. Sometimes, police tell you that you do not have to speak. When an officer reads various rights to a person placed under arrest, this is referred to as Miranda warnings. The police will tell the person under arrest that they have the right to remain silent and that anything they say “can and will be used against them.” But even if the police do not read you your rights, you do not have to talk to them. It’s almost always better if you do not talk to the police. Never talk with the police without a constitutional rights lawyer.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Accused of a Crime? Your Rights Must be Protected by a Constitutional Rights Lawyer

If law enforcement or a private citizen alleges that you committed a felony or misdemeanor offense, no one in the “system” will be concerned with protecting your constitutional rights. A constitutional rights lawyer can help protect your fundamental rights and protections guaranteed by the United States and Michigan Constitutions. The Defense Team with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. will zealously, tirelessly, and fearlessly protect and defend your rights.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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