Promises and Guarantees are Unethical

If you consider retaining a criminal defense lawyer, and they guarantee or promise you a win or any particular outcome, you are getting swindled.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

It is Unethical for a Defense Lawyer to Give a Promise or Guarantee to Win

It is unethical for a lawyer to promise specific results. In Michigan, the Rules of Professional Conduct govern a lawyer’s conduct. Making promises or guarantees to induce a client to decide to hire a lawyer is strictly prohibited. These tactics are unethical and dishonest. Even giving specific odds and probabilities is considered an unethical guarantee. If a defense lawyer claims they are guaranteed to win, you need to find a more ethical lawyer who is unwilling to lie to you to get your money.

The defense attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. often consult with prospective clients, and our view of the case may be much brighter and more optimistic than anticipated. But when a Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney makes a promise, it is unethical, greedy, and harmful to the client. Unfortunately, criminal lawyers sometimes promise dismissals, acquittals, lenient sentences, no jail, or other specific results to manipulate a potential client to hire that lawyer. Unfortunately, this deceptive practice is more common than it should be.

“But, another criminal defense lawyer guaranteed they would win!”

Many potential clients come to meet with us and express that another lawyer made a promise or a guarantee of a particular result. When this happens, they will ask whether we can match the promise or guarantee. For example, the client may ask, “If I hire you do you guarantee a dismissal?” Making promises is unethical and a sign that the lawyer is either dishonest or just plain greedy. Anything can happen in a case, and even the best lawyer can only maximize a client’s chances of obtaining a great result. Facts often develop during the course of representation, making achieving a particular result more or less likely in unanticipated ways. A highly experienced lawyer can size up a case and give a reliable range of probable outcomes; however, no lawyer has a crystal ball or can predict the future. Making promises or guarantees of particular results is strictly prohibited. You should avoid any lawyer that engages in this behavior.

Representation by a Court-Appointed Attorney

Why are a defense lawyer’s guarantees so unreliable?

The fact is that every single case – drunk driving (DUI or OWI), drug possession, felonies, misdemeanors, domestic violence, and any other type of offense is unique. No two situations are identical. Each alleged crime has a set of facts and has its unique nuances. There’s also the unpredictability of prosecutors, judges, complainants, witnesses, and not least of all – jurors. When you consider the individual facts of cases with the multitude of different prosecutors, judges, witnesses, etc., no case will ever be exactly like another.

A doctor also can’t predict how the human body will react to treatment with 100% certainty – and a lawyer can’t predict how the human judicial process will react with 100% certainty. If a particular medicine works with 95% of patients, 5% will not benefit or have an adverse reaction. Good Michigan criminal defense lawyers recognize the variables and do their best to put those variables in perspective. The most informed potential client will know that the lawyer to hire is the one that is smart, fearless, zealous, and will fight for them no matter how the case progresses or what challenges develop.

The only guarantee from a defense lawyer should be to tirelessly and fearlessly fight for you!

Lawyers take an oath to represent their clients zealously. Any lawyer you hire should be willing to fight for you and defend your case aggressively and to the best of that person’s ability. A guarantee isn’t part of the equation and is a reason to seek another attorney. The fact is that no defense lawyer is guaranteed to win, and someone claiming otherwise is untruthful.

Another thing to consider about a lawyer that promises results – is that it’s not intelligent from the lawyer’s perspective! Even if that lawyer can deliver on their guarantee often – they’re breaking their pledge probably just as often. Lawyers in Oakland County, Wayne County, and Macomb County frequently use these tactics. If a lawyer does something unethical to convince you to hire them, how can you trust anything that person tells you? Find a lawyer who guarantees they will do everything possible to fight for the best possible outcome in your case but shy away from someone who promises something to manipulate you into hiring them.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Trustworthy, Fearless, and Zealous Criminal Defense

The lawyers with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. have decades of experience successfully defending clients in state and federal courts. We will not make false promises to get your money; you can count on us to be straight with you about both good news and bad. The one guarantee you receive when retaining us to protect and defend you is that we will do whatever it takes to get you the best possible outcome.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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