Identity Theft Defense Attorney in Michigan

Identity Theft Defense Attorney in Michigan

If you are accused of Identity Theft, you will need a top-rated, zealous criminal defense attorney to have any hope of fending off law enforcement and possibly avoiding a conviction and jail.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

Identity Theft Defense Attorney

Anyone who has any sense of what is going on in the news is aware that identity theft is a huge problem. Perpetrators are getting more technologically advanced and aggressive, seemingly with each passing day. Because of the attention given to these cases in the media, laws prohibiting and punishing identity theft are very aggressive and provide for severe penalties. Unfortunately, prosecutors in these cases can be overzealous and may even try to get a conviction when a defendant made an innocent mistake. A skilled, experienced identity theft defense attorney can protect and defend you.

What exactly is Identity Theft?

In a nutshell, identity theft is obtaining another person’s private, personal information and using the information to commit a crime, usually some theft. The specific elements of the law are as follows:

A person commits identity theft if they intend to defraud another person by using another person’s personal identifying information. This can happen when someone attempts to obtain credit, goods, services, money, property, a vital record, a confidential telephone record, medical records or information, or employment, or if they commit any other unlawful act.

The crime of identity theft also would include when a person allegedly conceals, withholds, or misrepresents someone’s identity.

Identity Theft Defense Attorney in Michigan

There are several defenses to identity theft that can be used in court. Some defenses include:

  1. consent by the person whose personal information was used,
  2. the person using the personal information paid to be able to use the information of another,
  3. the use of the information was for lawful enforcement of the user’s legal rights, or
  4. the use was authorized by law or court order.

Identity theft laws are regularly expanded. Although not initially included in the identity theft statute, it is now illegal for a person to falsely create an email claiming to be a business or create a web page claiming to be a business and then attempt to solicit the personal information of a user of the internet with the intent to commit identity theft or another crime. The exception to these rules is that these actions may be done with the business’s consent as long as the purpose is not unlawful. A person also may not file a false police report of identity theft.

Federal Identity Theft Crimes

The federal statute making identity theft illegal under federal law is The Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act. Under this act, it is unlawful to knowingly transfer or use a means of identifying another person with the intent to commit a crime or without lawful authority. It is also illegal to aid or abet any unlawful activity that violates federal law or a state felony.

A federal conviction for identity theft carries a maximum possible sentence of 15 years imprisonment, years of supervised release, and substantial fines.

Should I hire a lawyer if I’m charged with identity theft?

Once you see the penalties, it will be evident that you need a top-rated criminal defense lawyer every step of the way. For example, in state court, the penalties are severe.

  • A first violation carries a 5-year prison sentence, up to 5 years of probation, and a $25,000.00 fine.
  • A second violation carries a 10-year prison sentence, up to 5 years of probation, and a $50,000.00 fine.
  • A third or subsequent violation carries a 15-year penalty and up to a $75,000.00 fine. Although the judge can order probation, prison sentences are routinely given for individuals convicted of repeat offenses.

These penalties are in addition to penalties for any other crimes committed with unlawfully obtained personal information. Importantly, if convicted of identity theft and another crime, the prison sentences may be consecutive, meaning you serve one sentence and then another, back to back. Usually, if a person commits several crimes in one spree, they will serve all sentences simultaneously (concurrently). Of course, if the theft of any value is proven, restitution will be a part of the sentence.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Top-Rated Criminal Defense Attorneys for Identity Theft

The dedicated, experienced, and zealous defense attorneys at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. have successfully represented thousands of clients on felony and misdemeanor charges, including identity theft, in federal court and Oakland, Macomb, Wayne, Washtenaw, and Livingston Counties and throughout Michigan. We know how to defend an Identity Theft charge. We have a well-earned reputation for providing the highest quality defense and aggressive representation for those charged with identity theft and related offenses, while showing empathy and care for each client.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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