Who is the top-rated drunk driving attorney in Michigan?

If you are charged with Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs, your liberty, driving privileges, and future are at stake. Your best hope of avoiding a conviction and jail is with a highly-respected, proficient defense lawyer.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

Experienced OWI Defense Attorneys

Driving while under the influence is serious anywhere in the country, but when you drive after drinking in Michigan, you’ll need a drunk driving attorney in Michigan who is experienced, respected, and influential. Judges in Michigan don’t view misdemeanor or felony DUI’s lightly, so it may not matter whether this is your first offense or not. You should take the matter as seriously as the judge will, and that’s why the experienced lawyers to call are at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, PLLC. We aren’t afraid to win and will work tirelessly to get an acquittal or reduced charges and a lenient sentence (without jail). When your record and reputation are on the line, we’re the criminal defense attorneys to turn to when there is no room for errors or false promises.

Among the Best Drunk Driving Attorneys in Michigan – We’re Here to Win the Case

A drunk driving charge can be challenging to deal with and comes with direct and collateral consequences. Although many lawyers handle these cases, few have the experience, qualifications, and reputations necessary to achieve the best possible result. The technicalities, science, and constitutional considerations make it necessary to retain the services of an expert drunk driving attorney in Michigan for a successful outcome. You might think that a DUI is a simple misdemeanor, an unfortunate one that you may or may not mind having on your record. But operating a vehicle while intoxicated remains on your record for life and can forever impact your life. Viewing the situation in that light, you can see why your best bet is to contact the Michigan drunk driving attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Your Best Defense to OWI Charges Starts Here

No one intends to harm someone when they have a few drinks and get behind the wheel. Yet accidents happen. Making an example of those who are caught is intended to deter others from endangering their lives and the lives of others. Entrusting your case to LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. gives you the advantage of our experience and skill in producing the best possible outcome. Regardless of whether you are wrongly accused or if you acknowledge that the charges are justified, call us when you need a winning Michigan drunk driving attorney.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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