Defense Attorney with a Track Record of Winning in OWI Cases

Prosecutors in Michigan are notorious for their harsh and unyielding treatment of defendants charged with drunk driving. It takes a savvy, experienced, and respected lawyer to obtain the most favorable outcome.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

Experienced Drunk Driving Defense Lawyers

Driving while under the influence is serious anywhere in the country, but when you drive after drinking in Michigan, you’ll need an experienced drunk driving attorney if you want any hope of avoiding jail or years of probation with burdensome requirements.

Judges in Michigan don’t view OWIs or DUIs lightly, so it may not matter whether this is your first offense or not. You should take the matter as seriously as the judge will. We aren’t afraid to win, and we will work tirelessly to get an acquittal or reduced charges. If a plea bargain is accepted, no stone will be left unturned in our effort to achieve a sentence that will not upend your life. The Defense Team with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., are the criminal defense attorneys to turn to when your record and reputation are on the line.

The Best Drunk Driving Attorneys in Michigan will Fight for a Win!

A drunk or drugged driving charge can be difficult to deal with, and you shouldn’t trust your fate to a discount or general practice attorney. Most defense lawyers do not understand how to defend an Operating While Intoxicated charge or any driving offense involving alcohol or controlled substances. The fact is that the effective defenses available are highly complex and tend to be scientific, medical, or constitutional. A lawyer who has not spent his or her career fighting these cases cannot be as effective is a lawyer that has maintained a practice dedicated to defending against these charges.

“Is a lawyer with an office near the court better?”

It is a common misconception that a lawyer’s office must be close to a court for him or her to achieve extraordinary results on an OWI charge. You hire an attorney familiar with the judge that will be presiding over your case and the prosecutor that charged you with OWI or a related charge. The physical address of the lawyer’s office is not an important consideration. Lawyers who are known to achieve the best results are the ones that provide the most aggressive, intelligent, and effective representation. Judges and prosecutors are more concerned about the quality of a defense lawyer than the distance he or she drives to court. A Michigan drunk driving attorney with a reputation for winning will always get a better deal, sentence, and outcome. A lawyer that is too connected to a court will likely be more worried about upsetting the judge or prosecutor than fighting to achieve the best deal possible for the client. Your decision to hire a lawyer should focus on the lawyer’s reputation and track record, and not some claim that he or she is buddies with local law enforcement. A lawyer claiming to have a special connection in a court is being unethical and untruthful. A dishonest attorney, such as that, is more likely to sell you out than fight for you.

Do Your Due Diligence When Evaluating an Attorney

Your life and reputation are important, and you should treat any decision to hire a lawyer accordingly. Take the time to research an attorney and have an in-person meeting before making a choice. It is usually a good idea to meet at least two lawyers for comparison’s sake. Things you can consider in your decision are the lawyer’s reputation, history of success in court, knowledge of the offense and available defenses, ability to communicate, and motivation for taking your case. Every attorney is in practice to make a living; however, the lawyer must be motivated to get the best result for you and not just make money. Does the lawyer have a staff to assist in your defense? If not, you have to question whether the attorney has the resources to provide the best defense. Does the lawyer work in conjunction with other lawyers who specialize in criminal defense? Working with a team of attorneys is always better than working with a solo practitioner. You know the old saying, “two minds are better than one.” Before paying a retainer, you should be certain that you trust the attorney and believe he or she has your best interests at heart. There are several drunk driving attorneys in Michigan; however, few will truly do what it takes to get you the best possible outcome.

“What are the defenses to drug and alcohol driving offenses?”

The defenses to OWI, DUI, OWPD, and other related offenses can be technical and require a deep and comprehensive knowledge of various areas of the law. The five potential types of defenses are: factual, legal, medical, scientific, and constitutional.  An attorney with a lack of expertise in any of these areas means that the client cannot get the best available defense. The defense used by the lawyer does not have to result in a dismissal or acquittal to be of value. A successful defense lawyer will use all available defenses to weaken the prosecutor’s case. If the prosecutor’s case is weakened, the defense attorney increases his or her bargaining power. Weakening any aspect of the prosecutor’s evidence will make the government more inclined to offer an extraordinary deal.  A Michigan drunk driving defense attorney’s goal must be to achieve a dismissal, but dismissals on OWI cases are rare.  In Michigan, it takes intelligent and tenacious work to get a superior plea bargain or sentence in any alcohol or drug-related driving offense.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

You might think that a DUI is a simple misdemeanor that you may or may not mind having on your record. But operating a vehicle while intoxicated can result in jail, probation, extensive fines and costs, damaged reputation, lost driving privileges, loss of employment, deportation, harassment by patrol officers, loss of custody, loss of firearm rights, and much more. The collateral consequences of an alcohol or drug-related driving conviction can be worse than jail and probation. A felony drunk driving can result in years in prison.

No one intends to harm another person when they have a few drinks and get behind the wheel. Yet it does happen, and lives are needlessly lost. Making an example of OWI defendant in court is intended to deter others from endangering their lives and the lives of others. Entrusting your case to the highly experienced, successful Michigan drunk driving attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. is giving yourself the advantage of our experience and skill in achieving the best possible outcome. Regardless of whether you’ve been wrongly accused or if you acknowledge that the charges are justified, call us, and we will find a way to help you. 

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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