Domestic Violence and Spousal Abuse Allegations

While the prosecutor may attempt to demonize a defendant charged with domestic violence, the attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. will make certain they are unsuccessful.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

Providing strong, aggressive, and effective defense for domestic violence allegations.

Even though an accused person is technically “innocent until proven guilty,” domestic violence charges can severely impact a defendant’s life. Allegations of domestic violence and spousal abuse are taken seriously in the state of Michigan, which is why you need a reputable, seasoned attorney with ample experience. LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C was formed with the mission to provide top-quality, aggressive representation for individuals facing a myriad of charges.

Building Your Defense Against Domestic Violence – Spousal Abuse Charges

With years of experience defending and winning domestic violence cases, we know all of the right questions to ask to help build a strong defense. In some cases, we find that the defendant was acting in self-defense, defense of a child, or defense of property. Under these circumstances, physical contact, even forceful contact, would not constitute domestic violence if it was reasonable.

If there is not a history of abuse and charges involve a single incident, we can usually use this to argue for the case to be taken under advisement and removed from the public records of the court. We do not believe that jail time or the anger management courses mandated by most courts are the most effective ways for our clients to rehabilitate after a hostile encounter with a spouse or partner. If it looks like a plea is in our client’s best interest, we can work together to develop a plan that will result in the least restrictive and onerous conditions of probation possible. We fight tirelessly and effectively to keep you out of prison and with no damage to your legal record.

Domestic Violence - Spousal Abuse

Attorneys That You Can Trust

We realize that cases of domestic violence are highly sensitive for all parties involved. The sensitive nature of these allegations exists whether our client is responsible for an assault or innocent. The attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C trust and believe in our clients and treat them with dignity and respect. One truth is constant in all domestic violence cases; there is a lot of grey area, and there tends to be more than one side to every story. We are highly effective in court with assisting the prosecution and the court with seeing and understanding our client’s side of the story. Sadly, we have worked with many clients whose spouse has completely fabricated an allegation of abuse to win custody. We genuinely listen to our clients and trust their side of the story.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

The Consequences of a Conviction Can Be Devastating

Hiring an inexperienced legal team has serious consequences, even for a first-time offender. The prosecution and the court will take your case seriously, and your failure to realize the seriousness of the situation can tragically affect the rest of your life. Conversely, hiring a top criminal defense firm to protect and defend you on domestic violence or spousal abuse charges can result in the case being thrown out of court, an extraordinary plea bargain, or a lenient sentence. The Defense Team with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. can help!

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

Contact Us - Michigan Criminal Defense Attorneys