Disturbing the Peace Misdemeanor

Disturbing the Peace is a misdemeanor in Michigan. Although not the crime of the century, it can still impact employment, your civil liberties, your freedom, and more.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

Disturbing the Peace Explained

Disturbing the Peace or Disorderly Conduct can be charged on its own or in conjunction with other felony or misdemeanor cases.  The possible factual situations that could result in this type of charge are varied.  Even though this charge may not be a theft offense or weapons charge, it is serious and can result in jail and probation for as long as two years with extensive terms, conditions, and financial obligations.  A good criminal defense lawyer can often make the difference between a conviction and a dismissal.

The state law regarding disturbing the peace is MCL 750.170 and says, “disturbance of lawful meetings—Any person who shall make or excite any disturbance or contention in any tavern, store or grocery, manufacturing establishment or any other business place or in any street, lane, alley, highway, public building, grounds or park, or at any election or other public meeting where citizens are peaceably and lawfully assembled, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.”

Almost every community has a local ordinance that defines disturbing the peace in a similar way. It is unusual to be charged as having disturbed the peace under state law; it is more common that the local governments would bring these charges. The punishment is a misdemeanor conviction – which could mean jail, probation, fines and costs, drug and alcohol testing, and many other possible penalties.  As you can see from the statute, it is simple for a police officer to charge a person with disturbing the peace, even for conduct that is only minimally out of the ordinary. Examples could be playing your radio too loudly, not stopping a dog from parking in public, consuming too much alcohol in a public area, or getting into an argument with someone on a public sidewalk.

Depending on the sensitivity of a police officer, seemingly innocuous behavior can result in a Disturbing the Peace change. Therefore, it is essential that you have the best criminal defense attorneys in Michigan represent you. You do not want to risk a criminal record because your dog barked too much or you were playing your radio too loudly. Those are minor situations to result in being saddled with a criminal record.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

The Premier Criminal Defense Attorneys in Michigan

The law firm of LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. considers every criminal offense a significant offense and plans its defense accordingly.  Our attorneys have spent their entire professional careers defending the constitutional rights of people charged with criminal offenses.  They take their responsibility of protecting a criminal defendant from governmental abuses very seriously.

LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. offers a unique “team” approach. Most firms will assign you to one attorney, and that person either attempts to defend you alone or re-assigns your case to a less-experienced associate.  At LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., you have the benefit of the many years of experience of all our firm’s attorneys.  Each of LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C.’s attorneys are involved, participate in the representation, and have decades of experience.  Our clients have the benefit of the collective effort of all of our firm’s attorneys.  We take great pride in our record of success and tenacious representation of our clients.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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