An Email Can Result in Production of Child Pornography Charges

A conviction for the production and transportation of child pornography can result just from a CSAM image embedded in an email, instant message, online chat, or social media post.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

For a strong defense in child pornography charges, you need a creative and fearless criminal defense attorney to fight for you.

A recent federal court decision dealt with child pornography transportation and production allegations. United States v Napier, decided in May 2015, related to several counts of production and transportation of child pornography. The government used time stamps on email showing Eastern Time Zone and Pacific Time Zone to show the defendant transported the child pornography over state lines by email. On appeal, the court held that due to the very nature of the internet, showing transportation was not an onerous burden for the prosecution. Building a solid defense for child pornography charges is complex and should be handled by only the most experienced, skilled defense counsel.

This case involved a very clever prosecutor that thought of this way to show transportation of the pictures. You need an equally clever defense attorney to stand up to the government on your behalf. When your freedom is at stake, you need to take whatever actions you can to make sure that your bases are covered and that you can present a strong defense in child pornography charges. Making the right choice in defense attorneys can mean the difference between winning and losing, between prison and freedom. It is essential that you make the right decision of who should fight to protect your rights and freedom. If your primary concern is the lawyer’s cost, instead of their track record of success, you risk a conviction that may have been otherwise avoided.

There is a reason for the saying, “you get what you pay for.” You want the best when facing criminal charges. If you want the best, you have to understand that the cost for a top lawyer should be both reasonable and fairly commensurate with the lawyer’s experience, reputation, and skill. What are your future, your reputation, and your freedom worth?

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorneys with a track record of providing a strong defense in child pornography charges.

The attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. are the Michigan criminal defense attorneys who have a reputation for winning. Our defense lawyers have decades of experience defending people charged with criminal offenses. The attorneys have dedicated their professional lives to protecting people’s rights and making absolutely sure that a person is treated fairly in the criminal justice system. We are not afraid to fight in court. A lawyer must do whatever is necessary to ensure that their client is given a full and fair hearing and every advantage possible in court. The firm handles all types of felony and misdemeanor offenses under Federal, State, and local law. They have decades of experience in providing effective defense in child pornography charges brought by the government. The firm’s attorneys appear in court statewide and nationally.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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