There Are Many Different Sentencing Alternatives Available

It takes an experienced criminal defense attorney to know what programs are available and the qualifications necessary for admission.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

There are sentencing alternatives available so that a defendant can avoid jail time.

There are many programs or sentencing alternatives available to a person who has been convicted of a criminal offense. Frankly, there are new ones that become available almost every day. It is essential that you have an experienced criminal defense attorney help you because a part-time defense attorney may not be aware of the alternatives and how (or if) you qualify for them. Also, there could be a program available in another state that is working its way to Michigan that an attorney should understand and educate the judge that this is a great program. The court may want to think about using or starting it.

Innovated Alternatives Started in Massachusetts and Are Catching On Internationally

Changing Lives Through Literature began in Massachusetts in response to a growing need for alternatives to incarceration. Prisons are burdened by the expense and repeat offenders, and they can rarely give adequate attention to the needs of inmates and, thus, do little else than warehouse criminals.

In 1991, the first program started at the University of Massachusetts. Eight men were sentenced to probation instead of prison, with a stipulation to complete a Modern American Literature seminar. The seminar was held on the university campus and included the professor, judge, and probation officer that founded the program. For 12 weeks, the men, many of whom had not graduated from high school and had 148 total convictions for crimes such as armed robbery and theft, met at the university. As they discussed books, such as James Dickey’s Deliverance and Jack London’s Sea Wolf, the men began to investigate and explore aspects of themselves, to listen to their peers, to increase their ability to communicate ideas and feelings to men of authority who they thought would never listen to them, and to engage in dialogue in a classroom where all ideas were valid. Instead of seeing their world from one angle, they began opening up to new perspectives and started realizing that they had choices in life. Literature became a road to insight. In 1992, the university added a women’s program. By the summer of 1993, 40 men had completed the program with negligible repeat offenders.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

It is vital that you have an experienced criminal defense attorney with you at all times, but especially when you are facing sentencing. There is a recommendation for a sentence and conditions from the probation department that the judge will review in many cases. This recommendation may, or may not, be favorable to you. The critical thing to remember is that this report is just a recommendation. The judge is under no duty to follow it. You need to have an attorney that can skillfully and successfully persuade a judge to follow a good recommendation or disregard a poor recommendation. Being able to make those arguments successfully takes experienced and skillful advocacy. Also, it would be best if you had an attorney aware of any sentencing alternatives the court may be able to use to benefit you. Having complete knowledge of all available sentencing alternatives takes experience. Additionally, a skillful lawyer has the best hope of persuading a judge that a particular program or alternative is right for you.

The attorneys at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. have devoted their professional careers to representing people facing criminal offenses. Our attorneys understand that sentencing is often the most crucial part of a criminal case. We will take the time with you, submit appropriate documents to the court for the judge to review, stand beside you, and make the most compelling argument possible to help you get the best sentence available.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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