Michigan OWI-DUI Defense – Aggressive and Effective

Michigan OWI-DUI Defense Attorneys

Facing OWI Charges in Michigan?

There is No Substitute for Experience and a Track Record of Success

If you have been charged with OWI (Operating While Intoxicated), you need a knowledgeable DUI lawyer to protect your freedom and reputation. The Michigan OWI-DUI defense attorneys at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., are ready to defend your OWI/DUI case anywhere in the State of Michigan. Clients appreciate the comprehensive and supportive legal representation they receive from the dedicated staff and team of OWI attorneys at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C.

An OWI charge can be a misdemeanor or a felony. The level of the charge would depend on the number of previous convictions for OWI, if there were an injury or death, and many other factors. The OWI Defense Attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. have the experience, skill, and dedication to handle your OWI case successfully. They will work tirelessly and zealously to achieve the best possible result for you in your case.

DUI Defense Attorney

A Michigan OWI conviction could mean severe consequences, including fines, a driver’s license suspension or revocation, community service, counseling, drug and alcohol testing, and even jail or prison time. Being arrested for OWI in Michigan is a serious legal issue. You need to contact an experienced OWI attorney immediately to build a good defense strategy in your case.

The OWI attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. know Michigan drug and alcohol-related driving laws and represent clients facing charges in Oakland County, Macomb County, Washtenaw County, Wayne County, Livingston County, and throughout the state of Michigan.

Aggressive OWI-DUI Defense Attorneys

Michigan OWI defense is complex and technical. Skilled and successful OWI attorneys will tell you that defending an OWI case is sometimes more difficult than defending a homicide case. Do not leave your defense to chance, plead guilty, or trust your case to the lowest bidder. Contact an OWI defense lawyer with advanced legal and scientific knowledge and knows the Michigan court system, Michigan judges, and Michigan prosecutors. The OWI-DUI defense attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. are aggressive, resourceful, creative, and passionate about our clients and their cases. We will turn over every rock and explore every loophole to find a way to get an advantage for our clients. Their problems are our problems.

There is simply no higher goal and LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. than an outright dismissal or substantial reduction in charges if possible.

OWI-DUI Penalties in Michigan

First Offense – Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) or (OWPD)

  • Up to 93 days in jail.
  • $100 to $500 fine.
  • Up to 360 hours of community service.
  • Driver’s license suspension for 30 days, followed by license restrictions
  • for 150 days.
  • Possible vehicle immobilization.
  • Possible ignition interlock.
  • Six points added to the driving record.

High Blood Alcohol Content (BAC of .17 or higher)

  • Up to 180 days in jail.
  • $200 to $700 fine.
  • Up to 360 hours of community service.
  • Driver’s license suspension for 1 year. Eligible for restrictions after 45 days of suspension with an ignition interlock device on all vehicles the offender owns or intends to operate.
  • Possible metal license plate confiscation if the offender operates a vehicle without a properly installed ignition interlock device.
  • Mandatory vehicle immobilization if the offender is subsequently convicted for operating a vehicle without a properly installed ignition interlock device.
  • 6 points added to the offender’s driving record.

Operating While Visibly Impaired (OWVI)

  • Up to 93 days in jail.
  • Up to a $300 fine.
  • Up to 360 hours of community service.
  • Driver’s license restrictions for 90 days (180 days if impaired by a controlled substance).
  • Possible vehicle immobilization.
  • 4 points added to the offender’s driving record.

Second Offense OWI within 7 Years of Operating While Intoxicated

  • 5 days to 1 year in jail.
  • $200 to $1000 fine.
  • 30 to 90 days of community service
  • Driver’s license revocation and denial for a minimum of 1 year (minimum of 5 years if there was a prior revocation within 7 years).
  • License plate confiscation.
  • Vehicle immobilization for 90 to 180 days, unless the vehicle is forfeited.
  • Possible vehicle forfeiture.
  • 6 points added to the offender’s driving record.

Third Offense OWI Within Lifetime is a Felony

  • 1 to 5 years of imprisonment.
  • $500 to $5,000 fine.
  • Probation, with 30 days to 1 year in jail.
  • 60 to 180 days of community service.
  • Driver’s license revocation and denial if there are 2 convictions within 7 years or 3 convictions within 10 years. The minimum period of revocation and denial is 1 year (minimum of 5 years if there was a prior revocation within 7 years).
  • License plate confiscation.
  • Vehicle immobilization for 1 to 3 years, unless the vehicle is forfeited.
  • Possible vehicle forfeiture.
  • Vehicle registration denial.
  • 6 points added to the offender’s driving record.
Best DUI Attorney - Michigan

What if you know you are “guilty”? Is it worth it to hire a top OWI-DUI defense attorney?

Many clients do not dispute driving while intoxicated and want to take responsibility. They want to know how we can help them avoid unduly harsh punishment. In many cases, we can discover unforeseen weaknesses in the case and obtain a plea bargain that is better than they ever expected. Sometimes the fight is not to get an acquittal; instead, we use our vast experience, outstanding reputation, and finely honed negotiating skills to get our client’s favorable plea bargains and lenient sentences. Judges in Michigan tend to go overboard on OWI cases. Some Michigan judges jail defendants on first offenses. We will do everything possible and explore every possible avenue to achieve extraordinary results regardless of how strong the evidence is against you.

Challenging the Datamaster Test

In most Michigan OWI cases, police request a breath sample with a DataMaster, also known as a breathalyzer. Blood tests are not uncommon, but breath tests are utilized most frequently. The DataMaster and the breath test results are vulnerable to attack by a skillful Michigan OWI Attorney. You might assume that since the Michigan State Police have approved the use of the DataMaster breathalyzer, then its accuracy and reliability are not subject to credible challenge. The opposite is true. Most people have no idea how inadequate DataMaster can be and how many variables can unexpectedly and significantly affect the results. The DataMaster is only an evidence-gathering device. Don’t assume that you are guilty. The Michigan OWI-DUI attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., understand the prosecutor’s case’s weaknesses. They will use their advanced skills and experience to defend your rights.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Free Consultation with a Top OWI-DUI Defense Attorney

Don’t trust your Michigan OWI case to an amateur or a general-practice lawyer – take advantage of our years of experience, trial work, and legal expertise with OWI laws. Do not wait. The OWI-DUI defense attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. approach every case with the care and attention you expect and deserve. We have a well-earned reputation for providing the highest caliber of defense in Oakland County, Wayne County, Macomb County, Washtenaw County, Livingston County, and throughout Southeastern Michigan.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

Contact Us - Michigan Criminal Defense Attorneys
  • OWI Defense Attorney
  • DUI Defense Attorney
  • Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol Defense Attorney
  • Operating While Intoxicated by Alcohol Defense Attorney
  • OWID Defense Attorney
  • Operating While Under Influence of Drugs Defense Attorney
  • OWI Causing Serious Injury Defense Attorney
  • OWI Causing Death Defense Attorney
  • OWI with Minor Child Defense Attorney
  • OWI First Offense Defense Attorney
  • OWI Second Offense Defense Attorney
  • OWI Third Offense Defense Attorney
  • MIP Defense Attorney
  • Minor In Possession Defense Attorney