Spousal Abuse and Domestic Violence Attorney in Michigan

If you are looking for an attorney for spousal abuse or domestic violence charges, Michigan is home to one of the most experienced and trusted attorney teams, LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

Your Best Defense for Domestic Violence Charges

If you face domestic violence allegations and are unsure of your rights, it is time to get educated. Knowing your rights, options, and the best strategy for your case will empower you to make the wisest choices regarding your charges and defense. An experienced and effective attorney for domestic violence charges will –

  • take the time to listen to your story and answer all of your questions,
  • keep you informed of everything that is happening with your case,
  • discuss with you all evidence in the case,
  • consult with experts, when helpful, to explore any possible defenses,
  • thoroughly investigate the facts and law relative to your case,
  • take the time to discuss with you the strategy for your defense,
  • be willing to collaborate with you and fully and honestly consider your thoughts,
  • have a team of lawyers collaborate and to brainstorm issues, defenses, weaknesses, and strengths of your case,
  • have vast expertise and experience with criminal defense practice,
  • be honest with you about your situation, and
  • promptly return calls and emails.

What are the penalties for domestic violence in Michigan?

The Defense Team with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. has protected and defended countless clients facing domestic violence and spousal abuse charges. If convicted, one risks a criminal record, loss of employment, loss of a professional license, loss of custody of children, and a damaged reputation. Also, a person convicted of domestic violence faces up to 93 days in jail for a first offense (up to 1 year if there is an allegation of an injury) and up to 2 years of probation. Probation can include forced therapy, education, abstinence from alcohol and marijuana, tether, house arrest, a prohibition from contacting the complainant, and much more. A probation violation can mean serious jail time, and judges tend to hold defendants on probation for domestic violence to a rigorous standard.

Domestic violence includes much more than an assault by one spouse upon another. These charges can apply to husbands/wives, boyfriends/girlfriends, parents/children, siblings, and more. You should also understand that neither physical contact nor an injury is necessary for a domestic violence conviction.

When the stakes are this high, and there is no room for mistakes or false promises, hiring a top attorney handling domestic violence cases in Michigan is well worth the investment.

Dismissal of Assault Charges

A dedicated and passionate defense lawyer will do everything possible to get domestic violence charges dismissed. Even in cases where the person charged admits to the assault or if there is overwhelming and conclusive proof that there was spousal abuse, a talented and astute defense lawyer may still be able to get all charges dismissed or taken under advisement. The attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. will give you a free consultation to discuss your case and assess your options.

Aliens Charged with Domestic Violence Face Deportation

A non-citizen, alien, Greencard, or visa holder may face deportation if there is an admission in court to domestic violence charges. A conviction under immigration law is not the same as a conviction under criminal law. Inexperienced, general practice, and ineffective criminal defense lawyers routinely make mistakes in handling domestic violence cases that result in devastating collateral consequences, including the possibility of deportation.

Attorney Fees for Good, Affordable Lawyers

Perhaps you are thinking of going to court without representation or with a budget or multi-practice lawyer because hiring a good attorney for domestic violence in Michigan can be expensive. Consider the cost of NOT hiring a top-rated, experienced criminal law attorney as opposed to the cost of having that type of attorney by your side. How would a conviction impact your life? How much could it cost you? You have a lot at stake in any domestic violence case, which is why choosing reputable and successful lawyers to represent you is so vital. You do not want to face these serious charges alone and don’t trust your fate to the lowest bidder. You do not get a “do-over” or a second bite at the apple in these matters. Mistakes in legal representation can cause permanent damage to a client, and there is no substitute for experience and expertise when hiring a criminal defense lawyer. The good, affordable defense lawyers with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. are ready, willing, and able to protect and defend you.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Attorney for Domestic Violence in Michigan

The attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. aggressively and tenaciously represent clients accused of domestic violence. There is no judgment whatsoever, and every client is treated with respect and dignity. Our attorneys are never intimidated by harsh judges or aggressive prosecutors. We take fighting for clients seriously and will do whatever it takes to obtain the best possible result for each client. If you are looking for a tough, devoted, and tenacious attorney handling domestic violence allegations, we are the lawyers for you.

If you call LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., we will consult with you and help you determine the best possible defense to your case. We will find a way to help you, and we will not let you down. We are not afraid to win.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

Contact Us - Michigan Criminal Defense Attorneys