DUI Reduced to Civil Infraction

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

Reduction of OWI and DUI Charges to Civil Infractions

We were hired by a Canadian citizen to handle an OWI -DUI with a BAC (breath alcohol level) of .13/.14 (two tests).  Our client faced severe immigration consequences if he was convicted, which would have tragically impacted his job of 17 years as an engineer and his ability to parent his children, who are United States citizens living in Michigan.  Although we explained that there were no guarantees that a drunken driving charge could be reduced to a civil infraction, we told our client that we would do everything humanly possible to make it happen.  The client chose our firm over several other top firms in the State of Michigan because he had faith that we would not let him down. 

Fighting to Get OWI Charges Reduced to a Civil Infraction

The fight was on!  We ultimately were able to prove that our client had no prior record. The incident was isolated and not likely to be repeated. We discovered a factual issue that at least had the potential of being exploited in our client’s favor.  In the end, we were able to convince the chief of police and the prosecutor to reduce the charge to simple careless driving.  The client was thrilled, and his work and family were saved!! As highly successful DUI defense attorneys in Michigan, we strive to achieve this level of success in all of our OWI-related cases.  Although getting a drunk driving case reduced to a civil infraction is rare, the only way to achieve such an extraordinary result is to be aggressive, intelligent, tenacious, and fearless.  This is the level of fight we bring to all of our cases and the level of dedication our clients can expect.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

DUI Defense Attorney in Michigan

If you are charged with a felony or misdemeanor DUI, OWI, or drunk driving, please do not hesitate to call LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. for a free consultation and confidential case evaluation. We will take the time to talk with you, answer all of your questions, and address each of your concerns. No lawyer can guarantee that they can get a DUI reduced to a civil infraction; however, we can guarantee that we will do everything possible to achieve the best possible result.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

Contact Us - Michigan Criminal Defense Attorneys