False Allegations Can Devastate a Person’s Life

True trial lawyers will not shy away from fighting to protect and defend a client in court who is falsely accused. A lawyer with a track record of winning in court stands the best chance of persuading the prosecutor to drop charges.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

Respected lawyers who are a credible threat to the prosecutor’s case get the best deals.

The White County Sheriff’s Department recently acknowledged the travesty of false domestic violence allegations in a criminal case. Despite pointing out that 25% of women have been affected by domestic violence, Detective Chris Isom with the White County Sheriff Department pointed out that false allegations drain law enforcement’s limited resources. “But when evidence proves the allegations to be false, we are then faced with investigating potential crimes of perjury and making false claims, which uses even more resources,” Detective Isom stated.

Unfortunately, although on the right track, Detective Isom missed the most severe consequence of false domestic violence allegations (and criminal sexual conduct). The most severe impact of false claims is the possibility that innocent defendants are wrongfully convicted. When an innocent person is charged based upon false accusations, the defendant risks loss of reputation, loss of employment, damage to family relations (especially with children), loss of assets, and loss of liberty. Because domestic violence allegations can cause such devastating consequences, some women will make a false allegation to gain an advantage in divorce or custody proceedings. Men stand to lose custody or visitation based upon the mere assertion of spousal abuse.

Many False Allegation Cases Involve Court-Appointed or Inexperienced Attorneys

Court-appointed attorneys represent the vast majority of criminal defendants. Some court-appointed lawyers are decent attorneys, but unfortunately, many are overburdened, underpaid, and lack trial experience. Often, court-appointed lawyers will advise their clients to plead because, in their opinion, a conviction is imminent, because the risks of a trial are too significant, or because they are afraid to represent a defendant in a jury trial.

Most retained lawyers also tend to advise their clients to plead guilty instead of fighting for their clients. These attorneys will tell innocent clients to plead guilty or no contest to get a case resolved and avoid trial. Manipulating a defendant into a wrongful conviction is a mockery of the criminal justice system and the United States Constitution. The best defense against false allegations is a fearless, zealous, and experienced criminal defense lawyer who is not afraid to do whatever is necessary to win.

Dismissals and the best plea bargains are offered to defense lawyers who are a credible threat to the prosecution’s case.

Many court-appointed and many retained lawyers have no real credibility when they threaten to take a case to trial or express an intention to fight a claim because the prosecutors know their reputation for pleading with their clients. When a real trial lawyer represents a defendant, and there is a credible threat to the prosecutor’s case from an aggressive and zealous defense, unexpected, innovative, and favorable resolutions become more probable. If a prosecutor knows a defense lawyer is likely to fight a case, they will be more willing to agree to a favorable resolution or dismiss a case.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

An Experienced and Effective Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Make the Difference

Whether the charge is retail fraud, OWI/DUI, domestic violence, criminal sexual conduct, assault and battery, firearms charges, or any other felony or misdemeanor charge, great things happen with a lawyer who cares and is not afraid to win. The Defense Team with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. has decades of experience successfully defending clients in state and federal courts throughout Michigan. We have a unique team approach that routinely results in extraordinary outcomes for clients.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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