Criminal Defense Attorneys for Pharmacists in Michigan

Criminal Defense Attorneys for Pharmacists in Michigan

A professionally licensed pharmacist faces serious collateral consequences if convicted of a criminal charge. Your pharmacist’s license is invaluable, and your lawyer must have an intimate familiarity with how to defend you, and they must be committed to protecting you.


Pharmacists Facing Felony or Misdemeanor Charges

It takes hard work, a significant financial investment, and a lot of time to become a pharmacist. The stress that pharmacists experience because of the increase in regulations by the Michigan Board of Pharmacy and DEA in recent years can be taxing. The LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. Defense Team has represented countless pharmacists on various felony and misdemeanor charges. Our pharmacist clients have expressed fear and anxiety about possible disciplinary actions, licensing issues, and criminal charges. The DEA and the Department of Justice’s recent push to find and prosecute healthcare professionals for healthcare fraud, prescription fraud, distribution of controlled substances, and other offenses has led to criminal charges against law-abiding professionals in the healthcare industry, including pharmacists. Skilled and well-respected criminal defense attorneys for pharmacists can negotiate for the dismissal or reduction of charges.

The defense attorneys for pharmacists with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. regularly represent healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians who face felony and misdemeanor charges in state and federal courts throughout the state of Michigan. We have decades of experience and an unparalleled track record of success. In cases where criminal charges are filed, and our client is potentially culpable, we have successfully negotiated resolutions that avoid licensing issues, convictions, and incarceration. Every case is different, and no lawyer can ethically promise or guarantee any particular result. The only guarantee we can offer is that we will put our expertise and stellar reputation to work for you, and our lawyers will do everything reasonably possible to obtain the best possible result.

For innocent and wrongfully accused clients, the attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. have a well-earned reputation for being outstanding trial lawyers. They are prepared, capable, and tenacious in court. We understand that the stakes are high, and there is no room for errors and false promises. Juries are notoriously unpredictable, and we understand that no stone can be left unturned when developing and executing a strategy for winning.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

Will a conviction result in the suspension of a pharmacist’s license? How can a defense attorney for pharmacists help?

The Board of Pharmacy may suspend a pharmacist’s license if it believes their conduct might jeopardize the public’s health, safety, and welfare. The most common reasons a Pharmacist License is suspended include gross misconduct, substance abuse-related convictions, and fraud or dishonesty offenses.

The pharmacist has the right to a hearing before a suspension in many cases. However, a license can be summarily suspended on an emergency basis if the board determines that the allegations are particularly severe. The pharmacist must request a hearing on a timely basis. Failure to request a hearing within the applicable time limitations can constitute a waiver of their right to a hearing. Defense attorneys for pharmacists routinely encounter these situations and are familiar with the steps that must be taken to protect their client’s license.

Why You Shouldn’t Surrender Your Pharmacist License

In situations where there are allegations of healthcare fraud, prescription fraud, or distribution of controlled substances, the state of Michigan, the DEA, or the Department of Justice may ask a pharmacist to surrender their professional license voluntarily. In most cases, the pharmacist, working in conjunction with a qualified professional licensing attorney, should not voluntarily comply with this request. A pharmacist who voluntarily surrenders their license may lose their license, not reapply for licensure, and will likely lose their employment. Like the attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., a savvy and successful defense lawyer might be able to resolve a criminal charge such that the pharmacist client can keep their license and maintain employment.

Criminal Charges That Can Result in Professional Licensing Sanctions

Some criminal charges are directly or indirectly related to the pharmacist’s professional practice. On the other hand, some charges have no connection to the practice of pharmacology but will be adversely considered by the Michigan Board of Pharmacy. Examples of criminal convictions that can result in licensing actions include:

  • conviction proving the pharmacist is incompetent,
  • conviction demonstrating a substance use disorder,
  • conviction demonstrating a mental or physical inability reasonably related to the licensee’s ability to practice safely and competently,
  • conviction for healthcare fraud or conspiracy to commit healthcare fraud,
  • conviction for prescription or controlled substance distribution or trafficking,
  • an official finding that the licensee is incompetent or insane,
  • conviction of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for a maximum term of 2 years,
  • conviction of a misdemeanor involving the illegal delivery, possession, or use of a controlled substance,
  • conviction of any felony (with limited exceptions),
  • conviction demonstrating a lack of good moral character,
  • conviction for criminal sexual conduct (including in the 4th degree),
  • conviction for placing misleading or inaccurate information in medical records or the destruction of medical records or charts,
  • conviction of a misdemeanor or felony involving fraud in obtaining or attempting to obtain fees related to the practice of a health profession,
  • conviction for practicing as a pharmacist while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or
  • conviction for child abuse.

A pharmacist convicted of a felony or misdemeanor must notify the Michigan Board of Pharmacy within 30 days of the conviction.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal Defense Attorneys for Pharmacists Who Can Help You

If you are accused of or under investigation for any felony or misdemeanor, you must remember that the government must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Even in cases where a conviction seems inevitable, a zealous, creative, and intelligent lawyer might be able to persuade the government to offer a plea bargain for reduced charges or a lenient sentence.

The attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. will utilize the most effective defense strategies to turn the table on the prosecution and give you every possible advantage in and out of court. We will thoroughly investigate your case, explore every viable defense, and devote our team to developing a winning strategy. We will find a way to help you.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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