Attorney Fees in Domestic Violence Cases

An experienced, skilled, and successful defense lawyer will charge a fee that takes into account their reputation and track record of success in court.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

Domestic Violence Attorney Cost

You can expect to pay between $3,500 and $15,000 for an experienced, retained domestic violence defense attorney (depending on the facts and circumstances of the case). The cost to retain a domestic violence attorney is determined by many factors, including the case’s complexity and the implications of a conviction. Some attorneys charge exorbitant, unjustified fees. A top attorney should be fair but charge legal fees commensurate with their experience, reputation, and track record of success.

If you face domestic violence, spousal abuse, or domestic assault and battery accusations, you will likely be considering if you can afford a domestic violence defense attorney. It would be best to consider several things before making a final decision. Additionally, it might be helpful to consider the indirect and direct consequences of a conviction and ask yourself, “how much might it cost me if I do not hire a good domestic violence attorney?

Quickly Retaining an Affordable Domestic Violence Defense Attorney is Important

An accusation of domestic violence is serious, and anyone can imagine that a conviction can make life very difficult in several ways. Because such an allegation can be distressing, hiring someone who can help and protect you immediately is critical. No one plans for the expense of hiring a criminal defense attorney; however, the investment in an experienced defense lawyer is necessary because not having good legal representation is a recipe for disaster. Because money doesn’t grow on trees, the cost of retaining a domestic violence defense attorney is an essential consideration for someone looking to retain counsel.

What determines the cost of a domestic violence defense attorney?

Lawyers have various skill levels, experience, reputation, track records, and cost levels. The old expression, “you get what you pay for,” applies when choosing an attorney or any other professional. When considering the cost of retaining a domestic violence attorney, it can be helpful to imagine your analysis in hindsight. For example, imagine looking back on your situation from the perspective of a year or two in the future. What might a conviction or poor outcome cost you in lost opportunities, damaged reputation, lost civil rights, jail time, and decreased earning potential if you fail to hire the best lawyer you can get?

The factors that are taken into consideration by lawyers when setting the value of their services are as follows:

  • experience with domestic violence cases (number of years in practice),
  • track record of success (does the attorney have a record of satisfied clients),
  • resources available (like multiple lawyers, paralegals, investigators, etc.),
  • specialization of practice (is the lawyer’s practice focused only on criminal defense),
  • whether the lawyer is known as a trial lawyer, litigator, or a “plea lawyer,”
  • whether the lawyer is a solo practitioner or a member of a criminal defense law firm,
  • if is the case going to resolve in a plea or a trial,
  • will there be any pretrial motions or suppression hearings, and
  • the lawyer’s reputation with courts and prosecutors.

A highly experienced, specialized, effective, known, and respected lawyer will have a higher price than a less capable attorney. Because most budgets are not unlimited, it is crucial to determine your budget when seeking qualified legal representation. Your goal will be to find the best lawyer possible within your budget limitations. Some of Michigan’s best domestic violence lawyers charge reasonable, affordable fees and provide the highest level of legal representation.

What is the “cost” of not hiring the best domestic violence defense attorney?

In determining your budget for a defense attorney, you must consider the consequences of your unique situation. Some of the possible direct and collateral consequences of domestic violence are as follows:

  • up to 93 days in jail for a first offense domestic violence,
  • up to 1 year in jail for aggravated domestic violence,
  • up to 1 year if there is a prior conviction for domestic violence,
  • up to 5 years in prison if there are two or more prior convictions,
  • up to 2 years of probation for a misdemeanor,
  • up to 5 years of probation for a felony,
  • loss of custody or visitation rights,
  • difficulty getting promotions or employment,
  • loss or suspension of a professional license,
  • extensive fines and costs,
  • forced therapy, drug and alcohol abstinence, testing, education, community service, house arrest, travel limitations, a lifetime bar on possessing firearms, and more.

In determining your budget and the caliber of an affordable criminal defense lawyer, you should consider the potential consequences and the degree to which a conviction can impact your life, future, reputation, family, and livelihood.

“How can a domestic violence conviction affect my immigration status?”

For resident aliens, Green Card holders, or aliens in the United States on a Visa, a domestic violence conviction can result in deportation or inability to re-enter the United States. A plea under advisement, even a plea that does not result in a conviction, is meaningless in immigration court. Few criminal defense lawyers fully understand the potential direct and indirect consequences of a domestic violence or domestic assault conviction. For example, most defense lawyers do not know that a “conviction” in criminal law is defined in a completely different way under federal immigration law. If you are in the United States on a visa or other temporary status, you will want the best domestic violence defense lawyer protecting and defending you in court.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Top-Rated, Affordable Domestic Violence Defense Lawyers

The Defense Team with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. has decades of experience successfully defending clients charged with misdemeanor and felony domestic violence charges. Attorney fees charged by the lawyers with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. are commensurate with our extensive experience and track record of extraordinary success. This being said, we will do everything possible to find a way to make our firm as affordable as possible. The best way to determine if our Defense Team is within your budget is to call us for a free, confidential case evaluation. If you are considering the cost of retaining a top domestic violence defense attorney, we can help you understand how our firm can help you for an affordable fee.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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