Defense Attorneys for Weapons Charges in Michigan

Defense Attorneys for Weapons Offenses in Michigan

Prosecutors take weapons cases very seriously and often seek stiff jail terms for defendants. You need a very serious criminal defense attorney by your side.

How exactly does the law define “weapon”?

The defense attorneys for weapons charges at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. know how to challenge weapons charges and are always on the lookout for creative and effective ways to obtain a dismissal of the charges and have the case thrown out of court when possible. In one way or another, every case is defensible. We are not afraid to win! These cases can have severe consequences, and you do not want to face a judge without experienced defense attorneys for weapons charges.

By their very nature, many items are or can be used as weapons. Almost anything can be used as a weapon, but Michigan law specifically lists certain items considered weapons by definition.

Some examples include:

  • Pistol
  • Any other firearm
  • Air gun
  • Dagger
  • Dirk
  • Razor
  • Stiletto
  • Folding knife with a blade over 3 inches
  • Double-edged non-folding stabbing instrument
  • Machine gun
  • Bomb
  • Blackjack
  • Metallic (brass) knuckles
  • Slingshot
  • Any other dangerous or deadly weapon or instrument (for example, swords, spears, nunchucks, machetes, and Chinese throwing stars)
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Carrying a Concealed Weapon Charges

When most people think of the crime of carrying a concealed weapon, they think of pistols, and they think of the crime commonly known as CCW (Carrying a Concealed Weapon). But keep in mind there are several items you may not carry concealed (listed above). One exception is hunting knives, which someone may carry legally, openly, or concealed, if the hunting knife is “adapted and carried as such,” meaning you probably don’t want to carry one, for example, into a bar, sports arena, or movie theater.

Another thing many people are surprised to learn, often while being arrested, is that any weapon inside a vehicle is automatically considered concealed, even if it is out in the open and easily viewable.

Penalty for Carrying a Concealed Weapon Charges

A person may not carry a concealed weapon on their person or in a motor vehicle, motorboat, sailboat, aircraft, or any other mechanically propelled vehicle. Carrying a weapon in your car, boat, etc., is the same as hiding the weapon under your clothing so that no one can see it. You may have heard of “open carry.” Open carry means carrying a pistol in a holster or waistband so that anyone can see it. This is entirely legal, except that you may not have more than 75% of the weapon concealed, and the weapon (gun) must be registered in the carrier’s name unless the carrier has a Concealed Pistol License (CPL). The penalty for carrying a concealed weapon is a potential maximum of 5 years in prison and/or a $2,500 fine and a potential 5 years on probation.

Places you may not carry a concealed firearm even with a CPL:

  • A bank or credit union
  • A church or other place of religious worship
  • A court
  • A theater
  • A sports arena
  • A daycare center
  • A hospital
  • An establishment licensed under the Liquor Control Code
  • A college dormitory
  • A school
  • An entertainment venue with a capacity of 2500 or more people
  • A casino

The penalties for carrying a concealed pistol in a prohibited area are:

  • 1st Offense, State Civil Infraction, $500 fine, CPL permit suspended 6 months;
  • 2nd offense: Up to 90 days in jail, up to 2 years on probation, $1000 fine and CPL permit revoked;
  • 3rd and subsequent offenses: a felony punishable by up to 4 years in prison, up to 5 years on probation, $5000 fine, and CPL permit revoked.

However, it should be noted that a person may “open carry” a pistol into all of these places, except courthouses and casinos.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Brandishing a Firearm

Brandishing means waving or displaying a firearm in a threatening manner. The penalty for brandishing is 90 days in jail and up to 2 years on probation.

Carrying a Weapon with Unlawful Intent

It is a 5-year felony for carrying any weapon “with intent to use the same unlawfully against the person of another.” Weapons include any of the items listed above. In addition to the maximum 5-year prison sentence, a defendant can also be required to serve up to 5 years on court-supervised probation. A defense attorney for weapons charges will fight to persuade the prosecutor to dismiss or reduce CCW charges.

Improperly Transporting a Firearm

A person may transport a firearm in a vehicle if it is unloaded, taken apart, or in an area inaccessible by the driver and anyone else in the vehicle. Violation of this law carries a possible 90-day jail term and up to 2 years on probation. This offense is probably most applicable to hunters and target shooters.

Felonious Assault

Felonious assault is where a person uses a dangerous weapon to threaten another to place them in fear of an imminent physical battery, but does not intend to inflict great bodily harm or death. No touching is required as long as the victim believes they are about to be harmed. This offense carries a maximum 4-year prison term and up to 5 years under court supervision and control.

Felony Firearm

A Felony Firearm charge is where a person possesses a firearm while committing or attempting to commit a felony. This crime carries a mandatory consecutive prison term for the first offense of 2 years in prison, served in addition to the penalty for the underlying felony. A second such offense carries a 5-year additional prison term, and a third or subsequent offense carries a 10-year additional term. Neither probation nor county jail time is possible for a felony firearm conviction; prison is mandatory.

Felon in Possession of a Firearm

A person convicted of a felony may not possess a firearm or ammunition for 3 years after the probation or parole has expired. The waiting period is 5 years for “specified felonies,” which involve serious violent crimes, drug crimes, explosives, or unlawful firearms distribution. This offense is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and 5 years of probation. A person convicted of a “specified felony” must apply for gun rights restoration in a Michigan Circuit Court.

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Careless, Reckless, or Negligent Use of a Firearm

If the careless, reckless, or negligent use of a firearm causes injury or death of another, the penalty is a 2-year misdemeanor and 2 years of court-supervised probation. If the firearm’s use causes damage to property valued at less than $50.00, the penalty is a possible 90 days in jail and 2 years of court-supervised probation. If the damage is greater than $50.00, the penalty is 1 year in jail and 2 years of probation.

Notably, a conviction for one of these offenses empowers a judge to suspend the defendant’s hunting privileges for up to 3 years.

Intentional Discharge of Firearm at a Dwelling or Potentially Occupied Structure (includes what is commonly known as a “drive-by shooting”)

  • Shooting at a dwelling or potentially occupied structure, whether it is actually occupied or not, carries a potential prison term of 10 years and/or a $10,000 fine and 5 years of court supervision.
  • If shooting at the dwelling or structure causes injury to an occupant, the penalty is 15 years and/or a $15,000 fine and 5 years of court supervision.
  • If the shooting causes serious impairment of an occupant’s bodily function, the penalty is 20 years in prison and/or a $25,000 fine and 5 years of court supervision.
  • If the shooting causes the death of an occupant, the penalty is life in prison.

Possession of Short-Barreled Shotgun or Rifle

People may not possess, make, modify, sell, or transfer short-barreled rifles or shotguns. Rifles and shotguns must have a barrel length of at least 18 inches and an overall length of 26 inches or more. Violation of this law carries a 5-year jail term and 5 years of court-supervised probation. In these cases, judges and prosecutors make assumptions about a defendant’s intent, and defense attorneys for weapons charges can ensure that their client is treated fairly and has every possible advantage in court.

Firearms: Discharging While Intentionally Aimed at Another but Without Malice

If a person intentionally aims and discharges a firearm at another without the intent to injure them, it is a 1-year misdemeanor with a 2-year term of supervised probation.

Machineguns and Silencers

Machineguns and silencers are dealt with under the same statute section. A machine gun can fire multiple rounds continuously with one pull of the trigger if the trigger is held down. A silencer, or more accurately a muffler, is a device attached to a firearm that deadens a shot’s noise. The penalty for making or possessing either of these items is a potential 5 years in prison and 5 years of probation.

It should be noted that a federal license to own both machine guns and silencers can be obtained. These federal licenses cost $200 and are available from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms to anyone qualified to purchase and possess a firearm.

Defense Attorneys for Weapons Offenses in Michigan

Armor Piercing Ammunition

Armor-piercing ammunition is ammunition designed to penetrate items such as bulletproof vests and metallic things such as doors, walls, and cars, as examples. The bullets of this ammunition are made of tough metals and alloys. Law enforcement recognizes no possible legitimate reason for the public to possess this kind of ammunition and appreciates that such ammunition could be used to defeat police body armor. Possessing this type of ammunition carries a 4-year prison term. If a gun dealer sells this kind of ammunition to an unqualified person, he will lose his dealer’s license and face 4 years in prison.

Tasers and Stun Guns

These items are known as “electro-muscular disruption devices” and are designed to immobilize people by electrical current. In extreme circumstances, they can kill a person, and therefore their possession is tightly controlled. There are two kinds of devices: Tasers shoot two darts into a target attached to a power source in the gun; stun guns must touch the target’s body. Stun guns are now legal, but Tasers require a concealed pistol license.

Before 2012, it was illegal to possess or sell Tasers or stun guns. But in that year, the Michigan Court of Appeals decided it was a violation of the 2nd Amendment to have a total ban on them. Now, the rules are stated above, and the only additional rule is that the person using them must use them “reasonably.”

Unlawful Sales of Firearms

Michigan law makes it unlawful for a licensed firearm dealer to do any of the following:

  • Sell a firearm to a person under 18 years of age (90-day misdemeanor);
  • Sell a firearm to a person under 18 years of age, 2nd Offense (4-year felony)
  • Sell a firearm or ammunition to a person under indictment for a felony or a convicted felon (10-year felony and a $5,000.00 fine)

Spring Guns (Booby Traps)

It is unlawful for a person to set a gun to go off by movement or disturbance and then leave the set gun. Setting a trap such as this is a 1-year misdemeanor, but if the trap gun kills anyone, they will be charged with manslaughter, a 15-year felony.

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Weapons Charges Defense Attorneys with Experience

The reputable, respected, and highly experienced defense attorneys for weapons charges with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. have successfully represented thousands of clients on felony and misdemeanor charges in Oakland, Macomb, Wayne, Washtenaw, and Livingston Counties and throughout Michigan. Our firm has a reputation for being committed to the fearless pursuit of our client’s rights and freedoms. We conduct the highest-grade defense while providing close personal attention and care to each client.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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