Do I need a lawyer if I’m pleading guilty?

Even for a defendant who intends to plead guilty, an aggressive, savvy defense lawyer can negotiate for reduced charges and persuade a judge to order a more lenient sentence.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

Wondering whether to hire a lawyer if you intend to plead guilty or no contest?

Clients regularly ask if it’s necessary to hire a lawyer even if they plan to plead guilty to their crime in a court of law. Many individuals figure that hiring a reputable attorney is not worth the expense unless they plan on pleading “not guilty.” This reasoning is seriously flawed. Regardless of your plea, we recommend hiring an aggressive, reputable legal team for several reasons. A great lawyer can turn the tables to your advantage in several ways, even if you plan to plead guilty. In fact, a savvy defense lawyer might be able to negotiate a plea bargain that avoids a conviction, jail time, and lengthy probation.

A Conviction and Jail May be Avoidable

Navigating the legal system when you stand charged with a crime is intimidating and confusing. Having worked with thousands of clients who have been in the same situation, an experienced lawyer will help you understand the implications of your charge and understand the strengths and weaknesses of your case. Additionally, they can help you understand whether pleading guilty is in your best interest and explore what plea and sentence agreements may be available to you. Well-versed in negotiation, an attorney can fight for less severe punishment on your behalf if you know that you are planning on pleading guilty.

Without a seasoned attorney, you will most likely be overrun by a prosecutor in the position to push for the harshest sentencing or a conviction that may be avoidable. In the case of a DUI or retail fraud charge, hiring an attorney could make the difference between spending time in jail and being required to do some community service. Hiring an attorney is well worth it since they know about the range of punishments and penalties for your specific crimes. Most importantly, even in the case where a client is “guilty,” a great lawyer may be able to negotiate a plea that doesn’t result in a permanent conviction.

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Michigan Criminal Defense Attorneys

An Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help You

Attorneys provide emotional support for a client charged with a felony or misdemeanor. Going through charges in court is a frightening and stressful time for most people. In many cases, a conviction and jail time can be avoided with the help of a seasoned, successful defense attorney. Whether this is your first offense or third offense, we do not recommend going through the legal process with an attorney that is not a retained lawyer who practices exclusively criminal defense. Prospective clients routinely ask our team, “do I need a lawyer if I’m pleading guilty?” Regardless of whether your case goes to trial or resolves with a plea, top defense attorneys can achieve extraordinary results. The attorneys at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. provide top quality, judgment-free, and effective representation for clients in Michigan’s state and federal courts.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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