You Have the Right to Remain Silent and You Should Use It.

If the police want to talk with you, there is a good chance you are the suspect in an investigation. Talking with the police is a recipe for disaster because they are not looking for the truth; they are looking for evidence.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

What you say “can and will be used against you.”

From the moment you are accused of a crime, everything you say and do could incriminate you. An innocent person often feels obliged to speak with police in an attempt to seem accommodating and guiltless. If the police or a law enforcement officer wants to speak with you, the best option is to remain silent. Police trick many innocent people into saying something that seems incriminating or contradictory, leading to the false impression that they are guilty of something. Police are on a mission to collect evidence and build a case, not a search for justice. If anyone has accused you of a crime or the police are investigating you, immediately call one of Michigan’s top law firms, LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. to represent you and leave the rest to your seasoned legal representation. NEVER waive your 5th Amendment right to remain silent.

If I’m innocent, what is the harm in speaking with police?

The accused may worry that their refusal to speak will be mistaken for guilt. Whether guilty or innocent, do not talk to law enforcement or waive your 5th Amendment right to remain silent. Even when innocent, being accused of a crime is anxiety-provoking and may cause you to misspeak when telling police where you were at the time of the crime. Failing to remember your whereabouts with 100% accuracy will be perceived as guilty anyway! Additionally, an officer can easily misremember what you said later.

You should not talk to the police

What do Miranda Rights have to do with the 5th Amendment right to remain silent?

The case of Miranda v. Arizona established that law enforcement officers must inform suspects of their right to consult with a lawyer, have a lawyer present during questioning, as well as the right to a court-appointed attorney if they cannot afford one. The Miranda rights also include the warning that “anything you say, can and will be used against you.” It is important to note that the Miranda rights do not just say “can be used against you,” the right specifically says, “can AND WILL be used against you.” What you say to the police will not be used to help you. At best, any statement denying guilt is self-serving and just creates an issue for a jury and not for the prosecutor when deciding whether to charge you. Given that there is no incentive, why speak? Speaking to police without a lawyer can only harm you and virtually never helps.

If I’m guilty, won’t I benefit from admitting guilt sooner rather than later? No, do not waive your 5th Amendment Right to Remain Silent.

The simple answer is no. Under the care of a seasoned attorney, you will almost certainly receive a better outcome if you do not speak to the police. If information needs to be provided to law enforcement on your behalf, a lawyer can and should communicate for you; you should never speak to law enforcement yourself. An experienced lawyer will know what to say and how to say it to get the maximum benefit. While police will try to persuade you to admit guilt, claiming that they will go easier on you if you admit guilt now, hold your silence. Anything you say makes the prosecution’s case stronger and reduces your lawyer’s ability to help and protect you. Despite what you may think or whatever lies the police officers tell you to manipulate you into talking, there is nothing you can say that will help you. Anything the police state to the contrary is untrue and a ploy to induce you to incriminate yourself. Please don’t fall for it!

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Enlist the help of an Aggressive Attorney with a Track Record of Success. Do not waive your 5th Amendment Right to Remain Silent.

LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. is an award-winning law firm in Michigan that has represented thousands of clients. With a thorough understanding of state and federal law, we will investigate the facts of your case and protect your freedom. In the meantime, we encourage you to exercise your 5th amendment right to remain silent and leave the rest to us.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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