Pretrial Diversion Programs in Michigan Courts

One bad mistake or impulsive act should not ruin a person’s life or define their character. Good people make mistakes. Pretrial diversion gives such a person an opportunity to avoid a criminal record.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

You Can Avoid a Criminal Conviction with Pretrial Diversion

Every day, good people find themselves facing first-time charges for retail fraud, shoplifting, possession of marijuana, and other controlled substances, domestic violence, and other misdemeanors. Many of the people facing the charges mentioned above are nonviolent individuals who committed these crimes but do not belong in jail or prison due to mitigating circumstances. If you qualify for pretrial diversion, you can avoid a conviction and jail.

Facing trouble with the law, especially if this is your first offense, is intimidating and scary, which is why you need an experienced legal team to help you navigate your options and determine if you qualify for pretrial diversion. Most jurisdictions in Michigan offer first-time offenders diversion programs (of one type or another), but the terms vary from county to county.

What is a pretrial diversion?

Many who stand accused of a crime have often not heard of this option because it is not readily offered to you, or someone may have incorrectly determined you are not eligible. You have to know about it and ask for it. Many are ignorant that such an alternative even exists and do not take the time to determine if you qualify for pretrial diversion.

A contract between the prosecutor and the accused

When you are charged with a crime, you typically enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. A pretrial diversion gives you a chance to resolve the case with few consequences and the opportunity not to have a criminal record when the case is concluded. A pretrial diversion is essentially a contract between the prosecutor and the accused negotiated during a pretrial conference. The accused agrees to undergo a rehabilitation program appropriate for the offense to avoid jail or prison. For example, individuals facing battery charges may be required to complete a domestic violence program or anger management counseling. An individual facing a theft charge may be required to complete an impulse control course.

A standard pretrial diversion program condition is a drug or alcohol rehabilitation course for those accused of drug possession. Community service is a common requirement for most programs. Some of the programs run as long as a year and a half, but many are shorter in length. If a top criminal defense attorney determines that you qualify for pretrial diversion, he can negotiate lenient diversion terms and conditions.

For those who complete the terms of the program, the prosecutor will completely dismiss the charges. Quite simply, a pretrial diversion gives you a second chance and allows you to undo a regretable decision in your past.

Who qualifies for a pretrial diversion? Most participants have completed either a non-violent crime or low-level felony and have little or no prior record. Unfortunately, many accused individuals are unaware that the pretrial diversion option exists. For this reason, it is advisable to enlist the services of attorneys who are well versed in criminal law and who can help you avoid jail time or prison. LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. is a top, experienced Michigan firm that has defended countless individuals accused of all types of crimes, helping them navigate the ins and outs of a pretrial diversion option to avoid jail time.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Your Best Hope of Avoiding a Conviction

The Defense Team with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. has a well-known track record of success in courts throughout Michigan. Our lawyers will faithfully and zealously pursue every reasonable option, tactic, and technique to help our clients avoid convictions and jail time. We will find a way to help you, and we will not let you down.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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