Fighting for the Lowest Possible Michigan Sentencing Guidelines

Prosecutors manipulate courts for lengthy sentences. Weak, ineffective lawyers get steamrolled by tough judges.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

It takes a fearless, tenacious lawyer to obtain the best possible result.

Prosecutors argue for the highest possible felony sentencing guidelines, and a defense lawyer should argue for the lowest possible scoring. Circuit judges consider variables under the Michigan Sentencing Guidelines to determine a recommended sentence range after hearing arguments from the lawyers and making rulings on the law. The scoring and calculating of the Sentencing Guidelines are complex. Under a new law in Michigan, the guidelines are advisory and not mandatory.

As an example, prosecutors frequently use Michigan Sentencing Guidelines Offense Variables (“OV”) in an attempt to lengthen jail or prison sentences. For example, points are assessed to OV 10 when a defendant engages in predatory conduct toward a victim or exploits a vulnerable victim. Prosecutors frequently use a very liberal and loose definition of “predatory conduct” to justify scoring this guideline.

How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Lower Your Sentence

A great defense lawyer will be familiar with the latest case law and always be prepared to argue for a reduction in the Michigan Sentencing Guidelines and counter any argument made by the prosecution to increase the guidelines.

For example, a “victim” for purposes of this offense variable is a person who suffers from a destructive or injurious action. A person without an injury is not a victim. Further, “vulnerability” refers to “the readily apparent susceptibility of a victim to injury, physical restraint, persuasion, or temptation.” Just because an alleged victim is injured does not make that person automatically vulnerable. There must be an apparent and particularized weakness or predilection to injury or victimization. Finally, “predatory conduct” is “pre-offense conduct directed at a victim for the primary purpose of victimization.” Run-of-the-mill planning is insufficient. Pre-offense conduct must be for the primary purpose of victimization of the particular, vulnerable victim to be scored under the Michigan Sentencing Guidelines.

Defense lawyers who tenaciously advocate for their clients will use credible factual and legal arguments and will fight for that client regardless of any pressure or attempt at intimidation are uncommon. The criminal defense lawyers with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. are familiar with all aspects of criminal law and provide clients with the highest possible level of service, results, and dedication. Regardless of whether the issue is constitutional law, a factual dispute, or concern with the Michigan Sentencing Guidelines, we will do whatever it takes to ensure the client gets the best possible result.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Attorneys With Vast Experience Arguing for Reduced Michigan Sentencing Guidelines

If you are concerned about a felony or misdemeanor charge and are looking to hire a great criminal defense lawyer, call LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. for a free consultation. We can help you with felony or misdemeanor charges and work to either achieve a dismissal or acquittal or the lowest possible sentence by persuasively arguing the variables in the Michigan Sentencing Guidelines.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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