A Defense Attorney Offering Guarantees is Really Selling Snake Oil

Looking for a criminal defense attorney who can guarantee you a win in court? Be aware of unethical conduct to manipulate you into hiring a sketchy defense lawyer.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney Team

If you want to find an honest defense lawyer, with a reputation for integrity, here is what you need to know.

If you have been charged with a felony or misdemeanor case and you are consulting with lawyers looking for someone to protect and defend you, you are probably talking to different lawyers on the phone or in person. There are three things that lawyers may say to you, which will definitively tell you that you need to look for a different Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney. The truth is that there is no such thing as a criminal lawyer with guaranteed results. What are the catchphrases of a dishonest lawyer?

  • “If you hire me, I guarantee I can win your case.”
  • “If you hire me, I guarantee you will not go to jail.”
  • “I win 100% of my cases.”

Even the best lawyers in the United States cannot guarantee any particular result. An attorney who pretends to be a criminal lawyer with guaranteed results is a fraud. In fact, making a client a promise of a particular outcome in a felony or misdemeanor case is highly unethical. A great lawyer will not just be a fantastic litigator; they will also be honest and forthright with a prospective client when helping that person choose who is the right lawyer to represent them on a case.

10 Things to Look For in a Great Defense Attorney

Here are 10 things to look for when selecting the best criminal defense attorney for a felony or misdemeanor case in state or federal court. Again, avoid any criminal defense lawyer who makes promises or guarantees specific results.

  1. Honest. Honest, even when it comes to bad news.
  2. Realistic. Realistic about possible outcomes.
  3. Fair Fees. Fair legal fees realistically based upon the lawyers, reputation, experience, and record of accomplishment.
  4. Integrity. No manipulation through false guarantees or promises.
  5. Specialized. Specialization in Criminal Defense (exclusive practice).
  6. Team Approach. A team of lawyers can accomplish more than a solo lawyer.
  7. Experienced. Decades of experience – it takes many years and hundreds of clients before a lawyer can be at their best.
  8. Legitimate. A real office (a lawyer sharing space or working out of their home is not a good sign).
  9. Successful. Support staff – a good lawyer will be in demand and will use a team of lawyers and support staff to help build a defense.
  10. Respected. Excellent reputation – prosecutors and judges tend to help lawyers they respect.

The Only Guaranty We Can Make is That We will Leave No Stone Unturned in Our Fight to Protect and Defend Our Client

If you face felony or misdemeanor charges in state or federal court in Michigan, we would value the opportunity to meet with you, talk through your situation, and work together to develop a winning strategy. The criminal defense lawyers with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. utilize a unique team approach to every case, consistently achieving extraordinary results. We look forward to hearing from you. Although no lawyer can ethically offer guaranteed results, our team can guarantee that we will put our wealth of experience to work to zealously and fearlessly protect and defend you.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete a Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you and, most importantly,
we are not afraid to win!

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